Cable Avoidance and Service Location (CAT & Genny)

Cable Avoidance and Service Location (CAT & Genny)

Who Should attend?

Cable Avoidance and Service Location (CAT & Genny) training is designed for any person working on the roads, setting out before a build, surveying and any other person excavating an area where pipes or cables may be hidden underground.

Course Content & Aims

• Reasons for using locators
• HSE Video – Alive or dead
• Practical work – hands on locating using
receiver, transmitter and accessories
• Simple ways to locate street lighting cables
• Location of bends
• Location of junctions
• Identifi cation of utilities
• Service connections
• Locating through concrete reinforcing
• Depth measurement (where applicable)
• Using Sondes for non metallic pipes


Assessment & Qualification

Practical and theory assessment throughout the course.
