Carbon Management

Carbon Management

Online Carbon Management Training

Whatever your organisation, over the last few years the language of carbon has become increasingly relevant as customers, funders, purchasing organisations and other stakeholders expect their supply chain to have an understanding of its carbon emissions.

In this introductory course we will provide the background to understanding carbon in context of business operations, lifting the lid on the reasons for, potential business benefits and opportunities associated with, and the meaning of greenhouse gas emissions, carbon footprinting, a carbon audit, scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions, net zero, carbon offsetting and other terms.

The course will be delivered by trainers with over 20 year’s practical experience of delivering carbon management projects to companies and other organisations across many sectors of all shapes and sizes.

The course is intended to:

  • Provide background on the policies / legislation / drivers for carbon management,
  • Equip attendees with the ability to understand and/or develop carbon accounting systems,
  • Increase awareness of the value of carbon management within their organisation,
  • Illustrate practical examples where carbon management can deliver economic and environmental benefits and drive innovation.

The course will comprise:

  • What it is – the language of carbon,
  • Relevant frameworks, legislation, and policies relevant to monitoring, reporting, and managing carbon emissions,
  • Carbon management – standards and terms. To cover in brief items which you are likely to encounter – or be asked about for example: Net-zero, carbon neutral, science-based targets,
  • Monitoring, measuring, and reporting carbon emissions,
  • The “value” of carbon – and how to develop carbon accounting systems for environmental and economic reporting,
  • Opportunities for and practical examples of carbon reduction including for example buildings and building fabrics, behavioural change, new projects, procurement etc,
  • Prioritisation and target setting – including recommendations and examples of how to:
    • Help set strategic priorities and directions,
    • Prioritise opportunities,
    • Set operational targets.
  • Examples of tools, sources of data and information,
  • How can you input / influence future targets, direction of carbon management in your organisation?
  • Opportunities for group work and discussion.


At the end of this course attendees will:

  • Understand the principles and requirements of carbon management standards and how they contribute to achieving climate change goals,
  • Have a grounding in relevant international agreements, national and devolved administration climate change targets, policies, and legislation relating to carbon management,
  • Understand the concepts and tools for carbon reporting (e.g. differentiate between scopes 1, 2 and 3 greenhouse gas emissions, and whole life carbon accounting),
  • How to evaluate cost and carbon within the context of their organisation,
  • Understand the potential to incorporate carbon into the procurement process,
  • Understand the background to available tools for carbon management and how they work,
  • Provide examples of good and best practice in carbon management,
  • Have awareness of relevant tools and sources of information.

Duration: 1 Day