Scotland’s Employer Recruitment Incentive continues to deliver the Scottish Government’s commitment to help unemployed young people who are facing significant challenges. The aim is to encourage employers to recruit young people aged 16-29 into sustainable employment, including Modern Apprenticeships.
The incentive is available for job starts from 1 July 2015. All applications for employees starting within the incentive period must be completed and approved by 31 March 2016.
A payment of up to £3963 is available with an additional £500 also available where an employer pays the Living Wage. Businesses can access the fund as follows:
Where a Young Person aged 16-24 enters a Modern Apprenticeship with a small/micro business of less than 50 employees.
Where a Young Person aged 16-29 with Additional Support Needs* enters employment or a Modern Apprenticeship with any size of employer (excluding Public Sector).
Where a Young Person aged 16-24 with Barriers to Employment*, enters employment or a Modern Apprenticeship with any size of employer (excluding Public Sector).
The incentive will be available to use as a contribution to the additional costs of recruiting and sustaining a young person in employment for up to 52 weeks. It could be utilised in a number of ways including additional supervisory costs, training, initial travel to work costs or wages. No single use is prescribed.
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