Modernise or Die – The Farmer Review of the UK Construction Model

Modernise or Die – The Farmer Review of the UK Construction Model

In February 2016, Cast CEO, Mark Farmer, was commissioned by the Construction Leadership Council, at the request of Brandon Lewis and Nick Boles (the ministers for Housing & Planning & Skills respectively at that time) to undertake a review of the UK’s construction labour model.

The review was asked to focus on areas as follows:-
Evidence of how the construction labour model and recruitment practices impact on incentives for skills development in the sector (including in the supply chain) and on the introduction of more novel techniques such as off-site construction.
What business models and other arrangements could better support skills and skills pipelines in the sector?
What measures could improve wider incentives for capacity investment and the introduction of new ways of working?
What are the barriers and enablers to greater use of off-site construction?
How could the range of participants in the UK housing market be broadened, including through the better introduction of institutional funds?
This review is intended to provoke debate as to the current and likely future state of the industry and identifies the urgent actions needed to lead a change agenda that will safeguard the industry’s future.

The full review can be read here: farmer-review-1